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Arrow eyeing greatly expanded overseas presence

Chinese sanitary products and smart home services

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Global Master of Smart Home? What information has ARROW Home Group released online?

Since 1979 onwards, consumption, investment and net export plays there respective leading roles alternately in different phases of economic development in China. For the consecutive forty years, the GDP has been maintaining rapid growth. However, with great changes in the supply and demand structure in China, the economy in China goes from shortage to surplus.

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Remarks on “Immunity” by the Sanitary Ware Enterprise | Mr. Xie Yuerong, Chairman and General Manager of ARROW Home Group: Everlasting Business with Steady Operation

“The adverse effect of the epidemic situation on the entire industry is on the whole the same, regardless of the size of enterprises.” Xie Yuerong, chairman and general manager of ARROW Home Group said sincerely.

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Remarks Made by Yan Bangping from ARROW Home Group on 315: Ingenuity, Quality and Re-upgraded Service

With the development of the economic society, consumers’ awareness of right protection has been increasingly enhanced. The “3.15 World Consumer Rights Day” activity has further become the focus that arouses extensive attention of the social public. For quality and service, we made an interview with Yan Bangping, vice general manager of ARROW Home Group to discuss about how to optimize quality and service standards to make great top quality changes.

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Lu Jinhui from ARROW Home: Coexistence of Humanism and Public Good Activities

Since Spring 2020, a sudden Coronavirus epidemic situation became the greatest concerns nationwide. Enterprises from home furnishing and household electric appliances took actions one after another by making material and money donation and supporting Wuhan. They gathered their support and efforts to the frontier combat the COVID. Furthermore, they provided support by providing building materials, household electric appliances and construction for medical institutions in Wuhan, and they have become a significant strength to coordinate with governments to combat against the COVID, support the frontier and fight nationwide against the virus.

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2020iF Design Award has been Published, and ARROW was Awarded Seven Prizes

The epidemic situation arousing national attention cannot stop the internationalized pace of intelligence in China. On the evening of February 4, according to the information on awards published by Germany, seven products of ARROW won iF International Design Award 2020.

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